
0.0.14-Alpha has just been released. The changelog below doesn’t really get across how much has changed in this release. There’s a huge amount of bug fixes across all modules, you should see less problems when removing modules, and also when saving a patch if you previously deleted a module. Please continue to report bugs, the difference in stability between this Alpha and the original a couple of weeks ago is huge.

There’s a new ‘ArpSeq’ sequencer so you can more easily write melodies, some new random modules (Clock -> Bubble Chamber and Sequencers -> Generative Rnd.), a couple of midi tools: Midi Utils -> Random Repeater and Midi Utils -> Random Shifter.

Random Repeater

Random Repeater has one input for midi events, and four outputs to connect to synths or other midi modules. When it receives an event it’ll randomly emit it to one of the connected modules.

Random Shifter

Random Shifter has one in and one out, it takes a midi event and randomly shifts it up or down an octave, or leaves it alone, 33.3% chance of each.

Change log:

  • Finish ArpMod
  • Removing mods doesn’t remove cables from underlying array bug
  • Crash removing a module that’s connected to itself bug
  • Midi keyboard should fire off event when key is released bug
  • Module: random repeater feature
  • You can connect an 808 to itself bug
  • Module: Random Shifter feature
  • Module: Random repeater feature
  • Incorrect cableld when evaporating bug
  • Crash turning an Output Single module volume up past 100 bug


modular_play_0_0_14_alpha.pdx.zip 35 MB
Nov 14, 2023

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Theres a sampler in there?

Yes, a sample recorder module and a playback module, but you can also use recorded samples in the Sample Synth. It’s fairly limited but fun